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“Comparing the effectiveness and student attitudes of online learning with and without augmented

reality,” I. Radu, G. Kestin, Z. Shah, X. Huang, accepted to the International Conference of

Learning Sciences on Nov. 5 (2021).

“Increased learning in a college physics course with timely use of short multimedia summaries,” S.

Dunleavy, G. Kestin, K. Callaghan, L. McCarty, Louis Deslauriers, submitted to Phys. Rev. Phys.

Educ. Res. (2021).

“Harnessing active engagement in educational videos: enhanced visuals and embedded questions,”

G. Kestin, K. Miller, accepted to Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. (2022).

“Harnessing active learning in educational videos” (Presentation), G. Kestin, American Association

of Physics Teachers (2020).

“Comparing the effectiveness of online versus live lecture demonstrations,” G. Kestin, K. Miller, L.

McCarty, K. Callaghan, L. Deslauriers, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 16, 013101 (2020).

“Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the

classroom,” L. Deslauriers, L. McCarty, K. Miller, K. Callaghan, G. Kestin, Proc Natl Acad Sci

USA 116, 19251 (2019).

Education: Skills

©2024 by Greg Kestin

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